Find ISEE Tutors
Accepted by over 1,200 independent schools around the world, the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is the most trusted admissions assessment tool available for students in Grades 2-12. And with the most testing options of any private school entrance exam, including online, paper-based, and at-home administrations, ISEE is also the most flexible assessment option for select families.
All of the teachers hold a certification and/or license in their perspective subject fields.
Our statistical success rate is 92%, which means that on average 9 out of 10 students get accepted into a program of their choice.
In-person and Remote classes are available
We have been tutoring for 15 years. We have had the pleasure of preparing more than 300 students over the course of these years.
Our school, NY Smart Start, is recognized as a testing center. Students have the convenience of attending some of the listed tests on premises.
Improve your learning with the best tutors. We will help you achieve academic success! Leave us your contacts for consultation